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'Medicinal Wildflower 1' The first of two plaster casts containing wildflowers from a local meadow. These casts contain flowers that have ancient, folklore or more modern medicinal properties for treating various ailments, including to ease sore throats, blood pressure, gastrointestinal and respiratory disorders, alzeihemrs, pain, urinary problems, insecticide and many more.

This panel includes:- Queen Anne's Lace, Silver weed, Mugwort, Ragwort, Knapweed, Bramble, Vetch, Nettle, Timothy grass and Wild Oats.

The process of botanical bas-relief is an ancient method used by botanists to record the finest details of plant species. Real flowers are carefully arranged onto a piece of flat, wet clay, and pressed in. When these are removed the flowers leave behing their unique impression.
The clay is encased in a mould and a strong plaster of paris mix is poured into that mold to create this unique art form of delecate detailed botanicals. The clay is used to create a mould and a strong plaster of paris mix is poured into that mold to create this unique art form of delecatedetailed botanicals. 

From this original master a silicone mould can be made which is used to make a limited number of concrete casts,  each one being handmade and unique. The new ciment fondu looks black/bronze and is finished by lightly polishing with Lavender marble wax. This botanical panel can be displayed indoors or outside. After several months of weathering outside the colour will become a beautiful dark grey.

Each cast is supplied with hanging device.

Prices for concrete casts vary depending on size and the type of cement used. 

'Medicinal Wildflower 1' Concrete bas relief cast. 26cm

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